And welcome!

If you’re wanting to work with me, either in an ongoing capacity as a voice teacher, or as a vocal coach working towards a specific audition/performance, then you’re in the right place.

I like to take the time to get to know all prospective new clients, because you and your voice are unique, and your training should reflect that.

Here’s how it works:

  • You book an Initial Consultation session using the booking system below (either in person or zoom is fine, whichever you prefer). There’s a form attached to the booking which I’d like you to fill out prior to our session.

  • During our Initial Consultation we’ll chat through the form, and I’ll get more details about your vocal history and goals. We’ll then do a check-in with some exercises I use to assess where our work should begin, and then we’ll rip the bandaid off and start singing (whatever you’ve brought to work on is fine, doesn’t even have to be a whole song).

  • At the end of the session you should have a clear sense of how I might be able to help you, and if we feel like I am well placed to support you and your vocal needs you’re free to either book in for a lesson pack, voice gym, or drop in sessions for audition prep.

  • If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly here