Online Lesson Protocol

What software we’ll use

I use Zoom to teach for a couple of reasons. It’s in HD, and it allows you to record your session. You’ll get an email invitation from me a few minutes before your lesson. It’s really helpful if you already have zoom installed (it’s essential if you’re on your phone). If ZOOM is not working on the day, I revert to facetime.

What hardware you’ll need

It’s all pretty basic, but you’re going to need:

  • A computer/laptop/ipad/phone. The bigger the screen the better, but even a phone will do.

  • A microphone. If you have a fancy microphone you can connect to your computer device, great, otherwise your inbuilt microphone will be just fine.

  • Speakers, so you can hear me/your accompaniment without holding your phone to your ear etc.

  • Space to stand and sing freely (it doesn’t need to be a huge space but room to swing your arms would be great if possible).

  • A good internet connection. Wifi is best but 4G works as well in a pinch. It helps if you get the rest of your household to not use wifi during the lesson, and close other apps on your computer/phone that are using the internet too.

For logistical reasons I won’t be able to accompany you, so you’ll need to arrange a backing in advance. If you need me to put down a backing for you, you’ll need to email me the sheet music and I’ll do it for you in the first part of the lesson.

Anything else?